Personal loans are not hard to get but if you don’t have a reasonably good credit score then the traditional lenders will not entertain your request. Since there aren’t many options, certainly not conventional ones, you ought to consider Cash Kitty for short term loans.
There are a few lenders offering personal loans despite bad credit but you must compare loans in UK before making a decision. You may end up paying a steep interest and you may also pay enormous charges to get the same loan amount for the same repayment term.
Payday loans and loans as a cosigner are the simplest and the easiest short term loans for bad credit. There are many other types of bad credit personal loans but they are either a bit restrictive or a bit complicated. For instance, home equity line of credit is a type of bad credit personal loans but not everyone would qualify for it as you have to be a homeowner. Even if you are a homeowner, it is not easy to understand the nitty-gritty of home equity line of credit. Likewise, bad credit personal loans from credit unions are subject to one’s membership or affiliation and the type of loans offered by a particular credit union among other factors.
Payday loans are the best short term loans when you need some money for personal needs and you don’t have a good enough credit score. All you need is a proof of employment to establish how much you earn. You can apply for payday loans online and get instantly approved. You can get cash in a few hours or at the most it would take a day. You don’t need any collateral. You may or may not have a cosigner. You don’t need to show your tax returns either.